Researcher education at SSP 2024

Maverick CEO Rebecca Rinehart presented the poster “Integrating education in the research life cycle” at last week’s SSP Annual Meeting and provides her thoughts.

The SSP poster sessions were well attended and offered a variety of perspectives. Maverick’s poster highlighted a model for researcher education that can be integrated into all of the touchpoints with researchers throughout the publication life cycle. Each of these points offers an opportunity for education, engagement, and reinforcement of the value proposition.

The educational efforts—focusing on areas such as identifying funding, copyright considerations, research integrity, and data management—all feed into the enhancement of the quality of the submission and, in turn, reinforce the capabilities required of all researchers. This type of education builds into the publishing life cycle an opportunity for continuous quality improvement that is a win for all stakeholders within the scholarly publishing community.

Integrating education in the research life cycle

Learn More

Maverick has developed a program of Researcher Engagement Webinars that are an easy and effective way for scholarly publishers to support researchers with the information they need to get published and cited in today’s increasingly complex publishing landscape. The webinars are developed and conducted by experienced, objective academic researchers who understand the challenges of researchers and speak their language.

Further Reading

Researcher Engagement Webinars service sheet

Integrating Researcher Education into the Research Life Cycle: A Continuum for fostering excellence in scholarly publishing

Maverick’s Researcher Engagement Webinars

Fostering community engagement in scholarly publishing

